Friday, August 7, 2009

A Different "Busy"

When I tell some people I homeschool, many of them say "I couldn't be that busy!" Well I am going to propose that moms of kids in schools are just as busy; it's just a a different kind of "busy"! The year before I started to homeschool, I had my oldest son and my daughter in public school. With my son in second grade and my daughter in half-day kindergarten, I had to come back at lunchtime to get my daughter and then come back again a few hours later to get my son (taking my two toddlers with me who were not always happy to get in car the for the third time that day!). I also tried to be a helper in each of my kids' classes once a week, and that meant finding a babysitter for my other two. I then started to consider how busy my life would be when all four of them were in school, and then to the future when I would someday have one or two in elementary school, one in junior high, and one in high school, with all three schools having somewhat of a different schedule! A lot of people think that homeschool moms are busier because we don't have that morning when the kids are off to school and we're "free"! In reality, all that time is not "free" time; there's housework, grocery shopping, taking care of younger kids, and those mornings when you are helping in your kids' classes! What free time? So you see that homeschool moms aren't that much busier than moms whose kids go to school; it's just a different "busy"! I decided that I would rather be busy at home teaching my kids than busy trying to get everyone where they need to go!

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